Friday, February 20, 2015

Miss Hadley Jane | Seattle Birth Photographer

Everything about this birth story was very special to me. Mama and I have been friends for some years now and we have always talked about whenever she became pregnant that I would photograph her birth story. So it was the best day when she called to tell me that she was expecting. 

There was a bit of uncertantiy throughout her pregnancy on whether or not I'd actually be able to make it because we no longer lived in the same place. As mama's due date got closer the more unsettled she and I became. I felt I surely wasn't going to be there for her as I had promised. Luckily I ended finding a flight and booked it. Then a week before her due date my husband found a cheaper flight and told me to pack my bags as I only had a few hours before I had to get to the airport. Little did mama know, but I was arriving sooner than what she thought. 

Talk about a SURPRISE! she almost cried! 
It was finally game time to get this baby out! 
(not really, we all know babies make their own agenda)

A week went by and into the wee hours of babes dude date, mama sent the text saying "I'm officially admitted!" 
I told mama to labor peacefully and to call me when she was 4-5cm so I could head her way. Got a phone call from dad saying she was about 6-7cm! Freaking out, I grabbed all of my gear and hurried down to the hospital.
I made it just in time to see little Miss Hadley come earth side.

There is NOTHING else on the planet quite like witnessing a mama give birth. 
watching mom and dad fall in love all over again. 
 falling in love with this new little life, completely smitten. 
& there is nothing like being asked to tell the story. 



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